
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My First Experience Using Elsa Speak

Elsa Speak is an application to improve English speaking skills. I knew this application from my lecturer in PBI UMY. Her name is Mrs. Mariska. She asked me and my friends to try this application. Before I downloaded Elsa Speak on my smartphone, I watched a video about Elsa Speak in YouTube first. This is the video that I watched. It can give you a little description about what is Elsa Speak.

On the first day I tried Elsa Speak, I've done 11 lessons in Skill 1 - Welcome.

1. Lesson 1 - Basic Terms: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases that are "please", "excuse me", "sorry", "should" and "you should take some time off". Those phrases are stressed in the word "s". I got a score of 500 in this lesson. It was easy for me.

2. Lesson 2 - Listening Teaser: In this lesson, I heard some words in the beginning then I have to answer the correct sound of the words that I had listen before. I got a score of 1000 in this lesson. It was easy for me.

3. Lesson 3 - Taking Vacation: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases that are "Oceania", "vacation", "I'm on vacation", "destination" and "what is your final destination?". I had to pronounce those words with stress on certain syllables that have been determined. I got a score of 500. It was easy for me.

4. Lesson 4 - Well-deserve Vacation: In this lesson, I had to practice 3 phrases. In those phrases, I must be able to distinguish [s] and [ഽ]. I got a score of 500 in this lesson. It was still easy for me.

5. Lesson 5 - At The Airport: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases. In those phrases, I must be able to pronounce [s] properly in the word "desk" and "information". I got a score 500 in this lesson. It was still easy for me.

6. Lesson 6 - Choosing a Seat: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases. In those phrases, I must be able to pronounce [s] properly in the word "seat", "aisle" and "exit". I got a score of 500 in this lesson. I was struggling to pronounce "aisle" properly. I had to repeat 3 times until I pronounced it correctly. 

7. Lesson 7 - Listening Fun: In this lesson, I heard some words in the beginning then I have to answer the correct written words that I had listen before. I got a score of 800 in this lesson. It was easy for me.

8. Lesson 8 - Baggage Policy: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases. In those phrases, I must be able to pronounce [s] properly in the word "policy", "additional", "maximum" and "extra". I got a score of 500 in this lesson. It was easy for me.

9. Lesson 9 - Check-in at The Airport: In this lesson, I had to practice 4 phrases. In those phrases, I must be able to pronounce [s] properly in the words "suitcase", "additional" and "seat". I got a score of 500 in this lesson. It was easy for me.

10. Lesson 10 - She Sells Seashells: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases. I found difficulties because those phrases are tongue twister. I must be able to pronounce [s] properly in the word "she", "sells", "seashells", "sea", "shore", "sun", "shine", "shop", "sign", "shout", "south", "sheriff", "sick" and "sore". I got a score of 2500 in this lesson. This lesson is very challenging to me.

11. Lesson 11 - Say This Sharply: In this lesson, I had to practice 5 phrases. In those phrases, I must be able to pronounce [s] properly in the word "say", "sharply", "shortly", "softly", "sixteen" and "succession". I got a score of 1200 in this lesson. It was easy for me.

That was my experience in the first day using Elsa Speak. It was fun and challenging.

1 comment:

  1. Good rizka, i like your writing about your experience, actually i had same experience like you using Elsa Speak.
